Some Escola de Gente Brazilian Activities
Some of EG's activities in Brazil. 2019 - Launched EG’s most recent project, a groundbreaking mobile app called Vem CA - a totally accessible platform in which those who produce accessible culture are connected to those who seek it and need it, people with disabilities. Download the app on Android (portuguese). Download the app on iOS (portuguese). 2019 - Invited by the Superior Electoral Court to integrate the working group dedicated to discussing how to implement accessibility measures in the Court's communication strategy, as well as political campaigns and processes, including the next elections in 2020. EG was chosen by the two ministers of the Electoral Court, Minister Edson Fachin and Minister Rosa Weber, to receive, in the name of the brazilian civil society, the only copy from the results of this work, as an acknowledgement of EG's dedication to the process. You can see a post about it here. 2017 - Brazilian Senate approved the law establishing the National Accessible Theater Day, making September 19th 2017 the first official celebration of the date. You can see albums of the celebrations that took place on the first ever National Accessible Theater Day as a law here, here and here 2016 - Performed the first 100% accessible brazilian play in the National Congress. 2014 - The Brazilian Chamber of Deputies approved the National Accessible Theater Day to be celebrated on September 19th. This is a law proposed by Escola de Gente in 2013. 2014 - Awarded with the Order of Cultural Merit from the Presidency of the Republic in the category Integrated Arts. You can see an album with pictures here. 2013 - Organized the first fully accessible public hearing of the National Congress, with the theme of the campaign Accessible Theater. Art, Pleasure and Rights (Teatro Acessível. Arte, Prazer e Direitos), proposing the creation of a specific day to celebrate accessible theatre. You can see some pictures of the event here. 2012 - Launched the book Inclusive Policies. Youth, Participation and Accessibility (Políticas Inclusivas. Juventude, Participação e Acessibilidade) in the III National Conference on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. What makes the publication original is the fact that it was built collectively with young people and inclusion specialists, thus opening the way for dialogue and the construction of joint knowledge between two areas that little worked together in Brazil: youth policies and inclusion of people with disabilities. 2012 - Escola de Gente launched the book Inclusive Policies. Youth, Participation and Acessibility (Políticas Inclusivas. Juventude, Participação e Acessibilidade) in the III National Conference on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 2011 - Escola de Gente and WVA launched the campaign Every Person has the Right to Know all Stories (Todas as Pessoas têm Direito a Conhecer Todas as Histórias). The symbol of the campaign is the Dreams of the Day (Sonhos do Dia) book, first in Brazil to be released in nine accessible formats. In 2015, in partnership with Unicef, the book became an interactive and pioneering exhibition in Brazil. You can see pictures of the exhibition here. 2011 - Awarded the Human Rights Award 2011 from the Presidency of the Republic. 2011 - Produced the first brazilian play for children with total communicational accessibility. 2007 - Produced the first brazilian play for adult people with total communicational accessibility. 2005 - Invited by the Presidency of the Republic to integrate the newly created National Youth Council, of the National Youth Secretariat. EG is the only organization that still belongs to this Council, being reelected by civil society and the government successively. 2003 - Created the first brazilian accessible theatre group, that since then has always offered all kinds of physical and comunicacional accessibility in all its plays, despite having or not having persons with disabilities in the audience. |
Highlights |
Advertisement for the Vem CA mobile app |
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EG Newsletter: December 13th, 2016 - First 100% accessible play in the Congress Federal District/Brazil |
EG Newsletter: November 12th, 2015 - Every Person has the Right to Know All Stories (Todas as Pessoas têm Direito de Conhecer todas as Histórias) campaign Rio de Janeiro/Brazil |
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EG Newsletter: November 7th, 2014 - Order of Cultural Merit award Federal District/Brazil |
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EG Newsletter: July 8th, 2014 - Chamber of Deputies' approval of the National Accessible Theater Day Federal District/Brazil |
EG Newsletter: May 14th, 2013 - First fully accessible public hearing of the National Congress Federal District/Brazil |
EG Newsletter: December 14th, 2012 - III National Conference on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Federal District/Brazil |
EG Newsletter: December 14th, 2011 - Human Rights Award 2011 Federal District/Brazil |