Some EG Activities in Latin America.
2017 - Invited to participate as conferencist in the Foro Educativo Distrital - Bogotá/Colombia, about the relation between inclusive education and the construction of peace. Album here.
2014 - Selected by VIVA TRUST - Grupo NUEVA and Incae Business School, from Costa Rica, to become an international case study and have its trajectory documented, in a work done in partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation of SP. It was the only brazilian NGO to have this acknowledgement.
2013 - Gived a speech on communication and sustainability, at the II International Congress on Disability and Inclusion, at the invitation of the government of the province of Buenos Aires/Argentina.
2013 - Invited by Fundacion Avina and Viva Trust to represent Brazil at the Costa Rican International Conference, held at INCAE Business School, together with 25 corporate social leaders from Latin America. At the time, he participated in a TEDX TALK about Comunicación con inclusión, la conquista del valor social. (Watch the TEDX TALK here).
2010 - Winner in the 2nd Encuentro Internacional de Proyectos Exitosos of the Organization of American States, Peru, with the “Inclusion Workshops” project.
2008 - Invited by Fundación Avina International Bridges, joins the Articulation Network between the Leaderships of the Social Area of Latin America, group which acted in the construction of multinational projects.
2006 - Promoted the 1st Latin American Legal Media Seminar, reuniting 28 civil society organizations throughout Latin America and 19 representatives of Public Ministries of South America, in Rio de Janeiro, to write and sign the document To Discriminate is Criminous, which transformed Latin American human rights agenda and strengthened the signing and ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities within the Latin American countries.
2003 - Invited by presidency of Brazil, represented the Southern Cone Region in the VII Conference of the Intergovernmental Iberoamerican Technical Cooperation Network, Riicotec, in Mexico.
Post on Facebook: October 13th, 2017 - Foro Educativo Distrital

Photo: October 4th, 2017 - Claudia Werneck speaking at Foro Educativo Distrital

EG Newsletter: November 25th, 2014 - Taller con Coaches y Emprendedores
Alajuela/Costa Rica

Post on Facebook: November 12th, 2014 - EG international case study presentation
Alajuela/Costa Rica

Photo: October 3rd, 2013 - Claudia Werneck speaking at II Congreso Internacional Sobre Discapacidad y Inclusión
Buenos Aires/Argentina

EG Newsletter: January 29th, 2013 - Costa Rican International Conference, held at INCAE Business School
Alajuela/Costa Rica