Some Escola de Gente International Activities
Some international EG activities. 2020 - The Zero Project Conference Accessibility Guidelines, which will be launched in partnership with Escola de Gente during Zero Project Conference 2020 in the UN headquarters in Vienna. The Guidelines originated from Escola de Gente's report on accessibility at the Conference, created by the NGO two years prior. You can see the Guidelines here. 2019 - Escola de Gente's report on the accessibility offered at Zero Project Conference has driven major changes to the autonomy and independence of people with disabilities, ensuring more participation, especially with regard to the provision of communicational accessibility. 2019 - Doubly awarded for the Accessibility Promotion Agents (Agentes de Promoção da Acessibilidade) project in Zero Project Conference 2019 at the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria. The first recognition was as one of the most innovative practices in the world. The second - a participation in the Impact Transfer Program - is offered by Essl Foundation and Ashoka Austria for the projects with the most capacity of replication throughout the world. You can see an album with pictures of the 2019 conference here. 2018 - Escola de Gente is responsible for assessing the accessibility of the Zero Project Conference 2018 in the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 2018 - Idealized and launched, internationally, the Talk it Easy (Converse Simples) campaign about Easy Language, in the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria, during the Zero Project Conference. You can see some pictures of this moment here. 2017 - Idealized and launched the To Discriminate is Criminous (É Criminoso Discriminar) campaign at the UN Headquarters in NY, USA. You can see pictures of the event here. 2017 - Idealized and launched the To Discriminate is Criminous (É Criminoso Discriminar) campaign in the Zero Project Conference 2017 at the UN Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. You can see pictures of the event here. 2017 - Selected as a Good International Practice in the Spaces, Products and Services Already in Use category by the Design for All Foundation Awards in Girona, Spain. The award was for the book Dreams of the Day (Sonhos do Dia) and its nine accessible formats. You can see some pictures of the occasion here. 2016 - Awarded for the Every Person has the Right to Know All Stories (Todas as Pessoas têm Direito a Conhecer todas as Histórias) campaign in Zero Project Conference 2016, promoted by Essl Foundation at the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria as one of the most innovative practices. The award was received in partnership with WVA Publisher. You can see some pictures of the event here, here and here. 2014 - Awarded for the Accessible Theater. Art, Pleasure and Rights (Teatro Acessível. Arte, Prazer e Direitos) campaign in Zero Project Conference 2014, promoted by Essl Foundation, at the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria as one of the most innovative practices in the world. You can see pictures of the event here. 2012 - Invited by UNICEF, participated in the 5th Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability and the Global Partnership Forum on Children With Disabilities, where the book Who fits into your ALL? (Quem cabe no seu TODOS?), by Claudia Werneck, was distributed in various accessible formats on UNICEF's request. 2010 - Represented the National Youth Council of the National Youth Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic in the Worldwide Social Forum, Senegal. 2010 - Represented the National Youth Council of the National Youth Secretariat in the Worldwide Youth Conference, Mexico. 2007 - Invited by the World Social Forum, disseminated the then newly signed document To Discriminate is Criminous (É Criminoso Discriminar) document in Kenya, Africa. 2002 - Invited to join, through its founder, Claudia Werneck, the Ashoka Social Entrepreneurs network. 2002 - Invited to join, through its founder, Claudia Werneck, the Fundación Avina network. |
Highlights |
EG Newsletter: March 14th, 2019. Talking about the improved accessibility and double award in Zero Project Conference 2019. Vienna, Austria. |
EG Newsletters. February 18th, 2018. Talking about Escola de Gente's responsibility to evaluate the accessibility at Zero Project Conference 2018. Right under it, from February 28th, 2018, talking about Escola de Gente's participation at Zero Project Conference 2018, when it introduced the "Talk it Easy" campaign. Vienna, Austria. |
EG Newsletter. June 28th, 2017 Talking about Escola de Gente's participation at the 10th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, where it launched the To Discriminate is Criminous (É Criminoso Discriminar) campaign. NY, USA. |
EG Newsletter. May 31st, 2017. Talking about the selection as a Good International Practice in the Spaces, Products and Services Already in Use category by the Design for All Foundation Awards. Girona, Spain. |
EG Newsletter. March 13th, 2017. Talking about Escola de Gente's participation on Zero Project 2017, where it launched the To Discriminate is Criminous (É Criminoso Discriminar) campaign. Vienna, Austria. |
EG Newsletter. February 24th, 2016. Talking about the award won in Zero Project Conference 2016 by Escola de Gente and WVA Publisher. Vienna, Austria. |
EG Newsletter. November 22nd, 2013. Talking about Escola de Gente's first award in Zero Project Conference, for the campaign Accessible Theater. Art, Pleasure and Rights (Teatro Acessível. Arte, Prazer e Direitos). Vienna, Austria. |
EG Newsletter. October 1st, 2012. Talking about Escola de Gente's participation at the 5th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the Global Partnership Forum on Children With Disabilities. NY, USA. |